“Products are made in the factory, but brands are created in the mind”consumer_mind_lg

The quote above by Walter Landor best summarizes what  “The Consumer Mind” is about: building strong brands that become part of our daily rituals by implementing the latest advances in neuromarketing.

The book published by Kogan Page  uses a blend of theory and real world examples to illustrate how the latest developments in neuroscience could benefit the work of marketing practitioners worldwide.

Pepe Martinez is the Managing Director of Millward Brown Iberia, a global research agency specialized in advertising, marketing communication and brand equity research.

He holds a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University, Madrid (UCM) and has been working in marketing research for nearly 30 years.

As a marketer who advocates for meaningful brand positioning and differentiation, I’am always interested to learn more about how the human mind works. The emotional connection the brand establishes with its users is crucial in the decision making process and key to generating customer loyalty.

This 200 page book is based on over 2 million interviews in 30 countries. The extensive research confirms that brands are built on credibility and effective communication.

The Consumer Mind-Neuromarketing

According to the author:

“Brand have to be coherent and genuine to be credible. There has to be a relationship between what they think (their values), the emotions they convey and create (what they feel), what they say (their communications) and the actions they carry out (what they do).

A brand’s credibility is essential to attracting customers and earning their loyalty.”

When it comes to slogan development, research show that:

“When creating an advertising slogan or choosing a good claim for the brand, two important aspects must be taken into account: it should be a short, impressive and sonorous (catchy) phrase-this way it will be easy to remember and reproduce (Nike: “Just Do It”); and it should be relevant to consumers, ie it connects with their needs, emotions, desires and expectations (Nokia:”Connecting people)””

 The Consumer Mind-Succesful Brands

Chapter 14 “Brands, Communications and the Mind” was of particular interest to me, as it presents the recipe for strong brands:

Connecting with consumer’s minds

Looking after the product to the greatest extent possible

Communicating well

Protecting the brand

The key to successful brand building is uncovering your target audience expressed and implied needs and wants, and understanding how the decision making process as it relates to your category.

A communication message that combines rational and emotional benefits is works best to communicate the brand benefit.
The Consumer Mind-Brands, Communications and Emotions

Who is this book for? Brand managers and marketers involved in brand building initiatives. Communication professionals who want to improve the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. And those passionate about how human mind works.