I am happy to let you know that this blog has an official Facebook page. I know I am only 8 years late but it finally happened.

I have to admit I don’t dedicate a lot of time to social media (brand management takes most of my work day, my growing family keeps me busy at home). I also find socializing via computers a little “artificial”.

That being said I made some great connections via Twitter, LinkedIn and the BrandUniq blog. I hope Facebook will allow me to “meet” more interesting people and learn new things.

What will you find on BrandUniq’s Facebook page? Mostly video links (interviews with great Marketers, commercials I find interesting), as well other information I find worth sharing with you.

But most importantly, feel free to use this page to get in touch with me. I look forward to receiving your comments, ideas, suggestions and opinions.

If you would like to visit the new page (and hopefully “Like” it) please see below:


See you on Facebook.
